- TVOROG / FARMERS CHEESE CULTURE: It is a special strain of freeze-dried culture specially blended to make Tvorog or Eastern-European Style Farmers Cheese at Home. Homemade Tvorog will have a far more "character" than a store-bought one: more tang & tartness, with an unapologetic creaminess that makes it almost sweet.
- Rich in calcium that maintains bone and teeth strength: 100 grams of prepared tvorog from 2% fat milk provides 90 Calories, 21g Protein (42% of DV/100g), 3.3g Carbohydrates, 37% RDI of Selenium, 59% RDI of Vit B12, 24% RDI Phosphorus.
- BEGINNER FRIENDLY & EASY-TO-USE: Each sachet is for 2 liters of Milk. One pack contains 10 sachets. A total 20 L of milk can be used to make Tvorog.
- NON-GMO, ALL-NATURAL, AND GLUTEN FREE: Craft-Your-Own cheese at home with absolute peace of mind with this Posh Flavors Tvorog Culture as it contains only the right ingredients and nothing artificial.
Tvorog Cheese Culture | Eastern European Farmers Cheese
Cultures: L.lactis, L.cremoris, Leuconostoc cremoris, S.diacetlylactis